In the United States, freeze damages cause more significant losses than any other weather-related hazard. Considering that the weather patterns have become tiresomely unpredictable, finding frost protection mediums for fluid-based (water and oil) systems has become increasingly important.
Many systems are exposed to long hours of extreme temperatures during the winter. Low temperatures will make the water in the pipes to turn into ice, expand and burst the pipes. When the temperatures get frigid, diesel turns into a gel or thickens. And as the temperature reaches the extremities, water and paraffin in the oil start to crystallize and separate from it hindering the flow.
Protect your system with these frost protection tips:
1. Insulation
When it comes to water, heating the plumbing system is a good start but generally not enough to avert the crises. By insulating tanks and reservoirs you provide the protection required to keep the water inside from turning into ice.
In extreme climates, water companies often integrate heating systems when designing the storage tanks. The tape insulation and aluminum jackets are best used during this period.
For the fuel transported through pipelines, insulation will help to protect the plumbing system from the severe winter temperatures and winds that might result in the crystallization and clogging.
2. Drain Your Irrigation System
The best approach is to turn off the water at the main valve for areas that do not need watering during the winter season. The next step is to drain your irrigation system off the water to prevent icing and bursting. Also, make sure that the valve is insulated to curb any damages.
This approach is especially helpful for landowners that will be away from their property in the colder months. Draining your system provides a worry-free solution for your irrigation while you are away.
Contact WP Law for more information and tips regarding your irrigation system.