Grill Selection – Infrared

Grill Selection
Making the Right Choice

Infrared Grilling

An infrared gas burner consists of ceramic plates surrounded by burner grates in a 304 stainless steel framing.
The gas BTU output of an infrared gas burner is no higher than that of a traditional gas burner, however, the ceramic plates   create an intense radiant heat from the burner.  The Napoleon series gas grills are able to obtain temperatures of 1800 degrees Fahrenheit in as little as 30 seconds.  The infrared unit does not use as much convection as a gas burner does to heat food.  Instead, the heat energy is absorbed directly by the food being cooked.

In short, to use an analogy, an infrared gas burner is to a gas grill as a super charger is to an automotive engine. Infrared gas burners boost the heat energy to a higher level.

What are some the benefits of using infrared?  First, is obviously the shorter grill times.  Some may say that infrared grilling produces more flavorful food because the intense direct heat seals the surface and enhances natural flavor for succulence and taste. The drippings from the food are instantly vaporized, adding a great natural flavor to food.  Because of this, flare-up is virtually eliminated.  

Napoleon series grills that are equipped with infrared burners use these in combination with traditional burners for the following reason.  Infrared is used for searing meats quickly to lock in juices and flavor.  The temperature adjustment range is limited from 700 degrees to 1800 degrees, plus or minus.  Therefore, after searing takes place, the final cooking is performed over the gas burners.  The advantage to this two-step process is that cooking time is reduced, less gas is used and food can be prepared exactly to taste.

An example of how a steak might be prepared is as follows.  Sear the meat over the infrared sear grate for 2 to 3 minutes per side depending on thickness.  Slide the meat over to the gas burner and finish cooking to the preferred doneness.  Following this process will prevent the meat from being charred and tough.  Fish can be prepared the same way.  A popular fish for searing is Ahi Tuna.  Sear the tuna 2-3 minutes per side (you can stop here if you like the fish on the rare side), or finish the tuna over the burners.  

Infrared grilling is a great way to cook a variety of foods. Most gas grill manufacturers who offer infrared on their grills will also provide recipes and tips for infrared grilling.  When you are shopping for your next gas grill, check out the Napoleon line  with infrared before you make a final decision.

-Todd Smith
W.P. Law, Inc.

Thermoplastic Solution for Compressed Air Piping Corrosion Problems

In the air line environment, there can be condensate and moisture that would cause most metal systems to scale, pit or corrode. The result could be pressure drop and damage to sensitive equipment.


The choice of thermoplastics would give you a smooth bore and corrosion resistance in a moist or corrosive environment. Asahi-America’s Air-Pro compressed air piping system is constructed specifically for compressed air. The specially-engineered HDPE resin is an extremely ductile material that will expand at the point of failure and tear open without explosive fragments. The system is rated for an operating pressure of 230 psi. This plastic is also chemically resistant to synthetic and mineral oils used by compressors; the other available thermoplastic (ABS) marketed for pressurized air has experienced failures because of this and at least one of theproducts (the bright green one) has been taken off the market  There is, however, an adapter available in the Asahi Air-Pro line that would easily transition the obsolete system to an Air-Pro system.


Please note that PVC Schedule 40 or 80 should NEVER be used for air lines. PVC is a brittle thermoplastic and under air  pressure, any failure can cause, and has caused shards of plastic to be propelled through the air and cause damage, severe injury or death.

Karen Smith
W.P. Law Inc.

Repairing PVC Irrigation Pipes and Water Lines

Repairing broken water line and irrigation pipes.

Repairing broken water and irrigation pipes has been made a lot simpler
by the use of a Flo-Span coupling, also known as a telescoping coupling
or an expansion repair coupling. In the past, repairing broken water
lines and irrigation pipes required digging up several feet of the line
in order to flex it enough to put a standard glue coupling in place, or
you had to flex the pipe enough to slide a gasket repair coupling onto
the pipe. Both of these required a lot more labor than using the
Flo-Span coupling.

 With this device you just cut out the broken place,
glue one end of the flow span coupling and then slide out the
telescoping section and glue it into place. It’s a labor saving fitting
that should be on every repair truck. If you have any questions or would
like to see one of these fittings, please stop by one of our locations.

Lee Canaday

W.P. Law Inc. 

When it rains, does your sprinkler system still run?

When it rains, does your sprinkler still run?

You’ve all seen the ads showing how many gallons of water are wasted when your faucet drips or toilet leaks – 30 to 100 gallons per day.  This is truly wasteful and can be expensive, but it is nothing when compared to running your sprinkler system when it is not needed.

Let’s assume your yard is irrigated with 16 rotors.  If each rotor uses 4 gallons per minute and is run for one hour per day, 3840 gallons of water are sprayed each time the system runs and 3840 gallons are wasted each time the system runs while it is raining.  At $3.45 per one thousand gallons (a local rate), that would be $13.25 literally being poured down the drain.

Installation of an inexpensive wireless or analog rain sensor can solve the problem, or, better yet, update your old style controller to a very reasonably priced ‘smart’ controller and weather station combination which can automatically adjust run times to match current temperature and recent rain and watering conditions.

Plumbing leaks can be fixed cheaply and by the do-it-yourselfer.  So can a sprinkler system that doesn’t run when it should.  Or an expert can be called in (a plumber, or an irrigation contractor, respectively) and is well worth money over the long run.

Don’t water when it’s raining.  It’s not the green thing to do!!

Grill Selection – Fuel Combinations

Grill Selection
Make the right Choice

Fuel Combinations for Grilling

In a previous blog, we discussed the different fuel types for grilling and for smoking.  However, what about combining some of the fuel types for the purpose of flavor enhancement, is this even possible?  The answer to that question is, yes. In fact, most grill masters and barbecue experts use some type of fuel combination to enhance the flavors of their prepared food.
The way to achieve this is by selecting the right grill that offers an accessory or has a built in feature that will allow the addition of a secondary fuel source.

For example, Napoleon grills offer an accessory in the form of a charcoal tray that is placed on top of a gas burner. The grill user will use the primary fuel source to ignite the charcoal. Once the charcoal becomes a grayish/white color, the charcoal is ready for cooking.  Also by adding some wet chips of your favorite wood to the charcoal, a smoky flavor will enhance the   food that is being prepared.

Luxor grills have a built in feature, a smoker drawer. This feature has a smaller independent burner that will ignite the wet wood chips once placed in the drawer to produce the smoke flavoring.

Both of these options are great. Quality grill manufactures will have some type of options that are similar to allow the use of secondary fuel for flavor enhancement.

The combination of charcoal and wood chips with a gas grill can produce some great flavors to your next cook out. Do a little research, try a little experimenting, and taste the results for yourself.

-Todd Smith
W.P. Law, Inc.

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