The Ins and Outs of Installing Your Own Drip Irrigation System

Installing drip irrigation is not as difficult as you might think.

Installing Your Own Drip Irrigation System

Some people are put off by the fact that there seems to be a million parts to a drip irrigation system, but the process itself is very simple. Once you get started, all the parts make a great deal of sense.

Here is all you need to know:

Drip irrigation consists of four main parts. Those parts are:
• the control valve/timer,
• the main line,
• directional lines, and
• emitters.
The control valve is how the system is turned on and off. In smaller gardens that my simply be the hose bib on the spigot. Most drip irrigation systems will connect to a timer so that your labor is reduced.

The first step is to place the main line where you need it to go. Usually this is in the furrows between rows. Once that is in place, it is time to connect your main line to your water source. Some kits come with a twist on connector already attached to the line. If not, the connector can be attached as a snap on, or screw on application.

Once the main line is connected, you begin the longer task of attaching the emitter lines. You might have to pierce the main line and then fit in a connector. There is a special tool available to help you pierce the main line. The connectors are easy to insert into the mainline.

The next step is to measure, cut, and stake your emitter line from the main line to the plant. The emitter line is made to snap onto the mainline connector. The last step is to insert the emitter into the plant end of the emitter line. Test the system and make sure you don’t have leaks, and you are done.

Most drip irrigation systems can be set up in less than a day, depending on how large the project is and how much help you have.

Check out the line of drip irrigation systems the pros at WP Law recommend. Then if you’ve got questions, send them to us here, and we’ll get right back to you with answers you can trust.

The Know-How You Need to Become the MacGyver of DIY Fountains

DIY fountains might seem complicated or difficult, but the reality is that they are very simple to create.

DIY Fountains

The first trick in working with DIY fountains is to understand how fountains work. Once you understand how the pieces all connect together, and the basic philosophy of how they work, you will be able to fix, create, and design your own fountains.

DIY Fountains

Fountains are made up of five parts:
• the reserve to hold the water,
• the pump to push the water,
• the line that delivers the water to the top of the fountain,
• the screen to keep stuff out of the filter, and
• the fountain.

As long as the fountain is stable, you can change and improve how the water is delivered to the top.

The second trick of most fountains is to understand which pump you need. Most fountains work off of submersible pumps; the problem is finding a pump that will push water to the elevation of fountain.

The next big problem is figuring out how much (volume) water you need the pump to deliver to the elevation (height) of your fountain. Most pumps have a grid chart on the back that will show you how much volume the pump will move to different heights. If the fountain is three feet tall, and you need 3 gallons of water pumped per minute (GPM), then you can look on the back of the pump box and see if that pump is the right one for your project.

If you are creative, then the third trick is to use a flexible line/hose as a conduit for water. These are the secrets to becoming a MacGyver of residential fountains.

Need some expert advice on choosing, building, and maintaining DIY fountains? Just ask.

2 Ideas You Can Steal From Pump Stations

You might not ever have thought about drawing inspiration from pump stations.

Ideas You Can Steal From Pump Stations

You can look to pump stations for some excellent water conservation and sump fertilization techniques.

1: Water Conservation:

All that rain water that falls in the winter and spring can be collected using creative drainage and collection ponds. We see the use of rain barrels, which attach to a gutter to collect rain water off of roofs. The same principle applies to collecting rainwater from surrounding land. With a large enough storage facility, farmers in arid communities would increase their available water supply without having the legal hassle of fighting for more water rights.

2: Sump fertilization system:

In areas where there are dairies and a sump situation where manure can be stored in an open pit, or lagoon, water can be added when needed and that excess water pumped into the irrigation system of supporting the growth of fields for hay, alfalfa, and even corn.

It would be the ultimate form of recycling and likely save the farmer a bundle in the cost of fertilizer. They way this could work would be to set up a pit with a steel grate over the top. Manure is placed on top of the grate and allowed to decompose like compost.

When it is time to fertilize crops, water can be sprayed over the manure and would collect into the pit beneath the steel grate. When the water reached a certain level, it could be pumped out either into a truck, or directly into the irrigation system. It can also be pumped to empty fields prior to planting or to fallow fields as a means of kick starting soil building during the winter.

Just some thoughts to ponder…

Looking for more ways you could use pump stations? Just ask!

Why Pondless Water Systems Make Great Residential Fountains

Here’s an excellent choice as you consider residential fountains.

Pondless Water Systems

As you start your search for the perfect residential fountain, you might find inspiration in a surprising place: geology. There is a term for a naturally occurring water feature called a disappearing river, and they work in one of the most amazing ways. The water runs along like a normal river and then just disappears into the ground. They may reappear at some distance, but the effect is dramatic. That same technique is being used in to create disappearing waterfalls and water features in backyards all across America.

The disappearing waterfall or river in the natural setting actually drops down into a sunken reservoir and then travels along an underground aquifer until it reappears, usually as a waterfall. Well, it is not secret that most of us do not have the space for all of that, which is why we take those basic concepts of nature and apply them to the technology of residential fountains.

What is residential fountain technology? It is the very basic concept of the natural disappearing river. It is a basic reservoir, a pump, and a line. Water is pumped from the reservoir, up the line, and reemerges as a waterfall. The water then cascades down the water feature (waterfall or fountain) and then disappears into the reservoir where it begins the cycle again.

What we have just described are pondless water systems. The benefit of using pondless water systems to create water features and residential fountains is that they come with all the parts and supplies, sometimes even the plants, necessary to create a waterfall or a river. They are easy to install, affordable, and you can easily attach your creative side to these projects.

If you have questions about pondless water systems and other residential fountains, just ask the pros at WP Law.

DIY Garden Watering Systems: A Basic Guide

Garden watering systems are an important part of being a green gardener.

DIY Garden Watering Systems

It might seem odd that garden watering systems play such a big role in going green, but consider the impact of wasting water on the local and larger environmental community. One of the benefits of home gardening is free food, food that is not only healthier for you, but cheaper than comparable food at the grocery store.

Using a garden watering system helps you to further reduce the cost of growing your own food, and it helps the environment, too.

Here are the basics you need to know about installing DIY garden watering systems.

, don’t be intimidated by the number of parts and pieces. There is a very logical and organized method to the madness.

, understand what those pieces do, and realize that if you break one, it’s not the end of the world. It simply means a trip to your local W. P. Law, Inc. store (with broken part in hand) and buying a replacement. Most pieces cost less than $2.

Understanding the pieces:
The main line is usually thick and it is laid out first. It also connects to your water tap. There is a piercing tool, which is used to pierce the main line. Into the hole that you pierced into the main line are connectors, usually T shaped though not always. Then there is the emitter line, which is often very tiny in diameter and rolled up into a long roll. Then there are the emitters. There may also be a timer which goes between the water tap and the main line.

How it all goes together:

In many kits, the main line comes fitted with a pre-connector so that it can be connected easily to the water tap. If not, they are easy to install. Once the main line is laid out where you want it to go (usually between the rows of plants.) it is stacked down using U stakes. Then you use the piercing tool to pierce the main line at junctions where you want the emitter line to come off of the main line. Into the holes (piercings,) you snap the connectors. Next, cut the emitter lines to the designated lengths and connect one end to the connectors. An emitter is fitted into the other end and then you can use more U stakes to hold the emitter line in place.

Test the system by turning it on, and check for leaks. If you have leaks, repair them. There are many kits available that offer the benefit of having everything you need. One great thing about using garden watering systems is that they use less water because they water only around the plant, not the whole garden. Emitters come in various sizes and by that we mean that have a range of Gallons Per Hour. Most plant and gardens require a 1 GPH or less. Trees usually require a 4 GPH emitter and shrubs a 2-3 GPH emitter. Feel free to improvise your emitters. They need not be all the same rating.

In the meantime, enjoy your garden and the fruits of your labor! If you’re a homeowner with questions about garden watering systems, we’re here with answers.

2 New Ideas for Creating and Building Your Own Residential Fountains

Be creative in choosing your residential fountains features.

Residential fountains are about more than just moving water. They can easily take on all sorts of dimensions. Recently, we saw a Homeowners / DIY residential fountain that was created out of several galvanized containers that were attached using a metal pole.

The containers were arranged as follows: the first was flat, the second was tilted, and the third was actually an old watering can, which emptied water into the second. The second container then spilled into the third. The amazing part was that the three containers were filled with flowers. They contained a simple mixture of petunias, but the effect was stunning.

The project consisted of a pump, a reservoir, and the containers. The artist, for that is surely what whoever was who created this feature was, just used their imagination to create a piece of art that was also a water fountain. A great DIY project.

The second idea is to use your residential fountain to add to your outdoor living space. We’ve all seen the statuary with water emerging from various body parts, but what if we told you that you could create a centerpiece that nobody had seen before? You could combine plants and brick to create something that is both modern and ancient.

By using flexible pond liners or a deep tube contain you can stack the bricks to make a square around the container. You then alternate the bricks to create spaces and gaps between the bricks. In these spaces, you plant moss. The water travels up the container and spills over the outside of the bricks. Changing the upper bricks can create a waterfall, or splash zones. On the top of the feature, you place a flower pot with hanging plants. The effect is stunning, and in no time the creation takes on the look of an ancient artifact.

Have a DIY project with residential fountains brewing in your imagination? Contact us with your questions about how to make it spectacular.

2 Things You Never Knew You Needed to Know About Water Feature Pumps

Two facts that may change how you think about water feature pumps.

Water Feature Pumps

As straightforward as water feature pumps may seem, they can still hold some surprises. Whether there are new technological innovations that make the pumps more efficient or there are tips for getting the most out of your water pumps, there is always more to discover.

Here are two things that you might not have heard about water feature pumps:

1. You can use solar power.
Perhaps one of the best things developed recently is cheaper solar power for water pumps. Being able to reduce the outflow of cash helps your bottom line. Solar power systems offer free energy, and the increase in solar technology has made these systems affordable.

What makes these systems beneficial to the end user? In short, there is no need for a generator. You save on energy and fuel costs needed to run the water pump, and you can install these where traditional electricity is absent.

2. Water pumps have a peak flow.
While the box may say they produce X number of GPH, or PSI, there is always a tradeoff in the real world. If your pump box says that the pump will push 300 gallons per hour, it will, but only under ideal circumstances. If your pump box says it will produce 50 PSI, it will, but not when it is pumping 300 gallons per hour. There is a peak where the two flow rates meet, and that peak is affected by things like uplift, distance, and even temperature. It pays in the long-run really to consider how the pump in your water feature will be used before you choose a model.

As always, we are very happy to help you find the perfect pump for your needs. Just let us know what your water feature questions are, and we will be happy to help you find answers for them.

3 Best-Kept Secrets about Farm Irrigation Systems

Learn how farm irrigation systems save precious resources.

Farm Irrigation Systems

Farm irrigation systems are vitally important to managing crop yield and control the cost of water. The scientific community, the business community, and the farming community have been discussing water shortage on a global basis with government agencies.

The general public may not understand the importance of freshwater and how the availability and control of water is changing. For instance, some corporations want to control water, and you can research that searching for peak freshwater. This fact makes farm irrigation extremely important to American farmers.

As water conservation efforts continue to advance, farmers can do a few things to help themselves out. Here are three well-kept secrets that can help any farmer when it comes to their irrigation system:

1. One of the best-kept secrets about farm irrigation is the fact that these systems come in various styles and levels of efficiency. When you have the option, upgrade to more efficient systems or emitters.

2. The second best kept secret is the use of soil moisture monitoring devices. These devices help to alert the farmer to the best time to irrigate. These sorts of devices are going to become more critical as water becomes more in-demand.

3. The third best kept secret is found in systems that allow you to adjust for wind. Windy conditions blow water all over the place, and outside of the optimum root zones. Being able to adjust an irrigation system to accommodate windy conditions saves water, reduces weeds, and allows your plants to receive better watering.

If you have questions about agricultural applications such as a farm irrigation system, please contact us here.

We are always happy to answer your questions.

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