How do I know what type of pipe valve I need?

Selecting the right pipe valve for your needs doesn’t have to be difficult.


Valves are devices that direct, control, or otherwise regulate the flow of a fluid in a confined area. While there are several types of valves available for industrial use, all valves are responsible for opening, closing, or partially obstructing a passage. Choosing the correct valve for your industrial piping needs is a paramount choice that affects the safety, efficiency, and longevity of your piping solution.

Types of Pipe Valves

Choosing the correct pipe valve can be a little tricky if you don’t know how the valves typically work. Below you will find some of the most common valves, as well as their general industrial uses.

  • Angle Valves – As the name suggests, these valves use an inlet and outlet at a 90 degree angle to conserve room and all for maximum flow.
  • Balancing Valves – The balancing valve is a mixing valve. It helps to maintain a constant water temperature by balancing the hot and cold lines. These valves can also accommodate for drops in pressure levels.
  • Drain Valves – This type of valve aids in the removal of surplus fluid from a system or container.
  • Needle Valves – Needle valves are small and very precise in their design. They are generally used to accurately regulate the flow of liquids and gases at low flow rates. These valves also offer a precise resistance to flow.
  • Pinch Valves – Pinch valves can be used in both an off/on manner, variable position, or as a throttling service. They effectively control the flow of both abrasives and corrosives to produce a streamlined flow.
  • Pressure Relief Valves – These valves are also known as safety valves. They are designed to relieve excess upstream pressure from within the line.
  • Safety Valves – A second type of safety valve is one that contains a thermal sensing component. This valve will open or close in response to temperature changes (as determined by pre-set conditions).
  • Vacuum Relief Valves – These automatic valves will open or close a vent to relieve a vacuum, depending on preset values. They are generally used in hot water supply systems.

To learn more about what type of pipe valve is best-suited for your industrial piping needs, we invite you to contact us today! Our line of industrial valves features a multitude of valve types, as well as numerous brands. W. P. Law, Inc. proudly carries a complete line of pumps, pipe, valves, and fittings in a wide range of materials including PVC, CPVC, PVDF, HDPE, Black & Galvanized Steel, Aluminum, Brass, and Stainless Steel.

When should I fertilize my lawn?

Establishing a solid fertilizing schedule is important for the health of your lawn.

Irrigation System

Believe it or not, the heat of the summer is just a few short weeks away. Before you know it, your grass plants will be battling the intense sun and humidity that are hallmarks of summers in the southeastern U.S. That means they’ll be stressed – really stressed – and unless you take action now, your lawn could be a sea of brown by the time mid-July rolls around.

The best way to prepare your lawn to withstand the rigors of summer weather is to fertilize it the right way so roots are encouraged to grow strong and deep. Different types of grass do best when fertilized at specific times.

Fertilizing Schedule

Fortunately, we can help. Here’s what you need to know month-by-month so you can time your lawn fertilizer application for optimal results:

  • February: Tall fescue beats out other grass types in terms of fertilizer timing. This grass likes an early dose of complete fertilizer such as 12-4-8 or 16-4-8, applied at a rate of ½ pound to a pound per 1,000ft2 of lawn.
  • April: A light application of iron can help intensify green color of centipedegrass and St. Augustine grass when applied this month.
  • May: The fertilizing season begins in earnest! Bermudagrass, carpetgrass, centipedegrass, St. Augustine grass, and Zoysia all benefit from a complete fertilizer this month to get them off to a great start.
  • June: Bermudagrass will appreciate an application of a water-soluble, inorganic form of nitrogen, such as ammonium sulfate or ammonium nitrate.
  • July: Apply that inorganic nitrogen product to Zoysia this month; apply iron to centipedegrass to increase its green hue.
  • August: This is the month for a second application of a complete fertilizer to Bermudagrass, carpetgrass, centipedegrass, St. Augustine grass, and Zoysia.
  • September: This month, apply a second application of complete fertilizer to tall fescue; St. Augustine grass will benefit from a second application of iron.
  • November: Tall fescue gets its third application of complete fertilizer to help it through the winter months.

Give us a call.

At W.P. Law, we offer a comprehensive range of fertilizers for all grass types, and we can help you set up an optimal feeding schedule for your lawn. So give us a call: The better root system your grass plants have, the better they’ll be able to draw up the water and nutrients they need to stay healthy, no matter what Mother Nature throws their way.

How can I conserve water when irrigating my fields?

Water conservation when irrigating the fields doesn’t have to be difficult.

Agricultural Irrigation

Working in the agriculture industry, you know that conservation is important–not only from a monetary perspective, but also because you want to take care of the world around you. In some cases, you may need to completely change up your irrigation system, if that is the case, call W.P. Law for some suggestions on how to proceed. However, it may be possible to make improvements on your own—here are a few tips to get started.

  • Run your system during the morning hours – Less water is lost due to evaporation if the temperature is cooler like it is in the morning.
  • Fix leaks – Check your sprinklers and other aspects of the irrigation system for small leaks. These may be small but they can add up and cost you water over time.
  • Consider drip irrigation – Many studies show that drip irrigation is more effective and less costly than sprinkler irrigation.
  • Winterize your system – Winterizing your system before the frost hits can save you money and prevent your system from freezing and becoming damaged due to cold weather.
  • Replace sprinkler heads – Even if you aren’t experiencing leaks or other issues, newer sprinkler heads are more efficient today than they were even a few years ago. Investing in new heads (which are often very affordable), can save a lot of water over time.

Do not feel like you have to work through your irrigation issues alone–W.P. Law is here for you. We carry many top brands of irrigation products and offer irrigation design services that can help you save water, and in turn money, as you water your fields. Give us a call to set up a consultation, so we can show you what a big difference we can make with your irrigation system.

How do I fix a wastewater backup at my facility?

Don’t let a wastewater backup problem put a stop to your workday activities.

No matter the ultimate goal of your company, one issue can cause major problems: a wastewater backup. Whether you’re building is open to the public or not, wastewater is unsanitary, unpleasant, and an issue you need to take care of quickly. If you have a small problem, you may be able to take care of the situation yourself. Here are a few steps to follow to contain a small wastewater backup issue.

  • Turn off electrical power – Before you do anything else, remove electrical power to the area. Wastewater is WATER and wires; machinery and other items can cause sparks and other issues if they are left “live” in this fluid.
  • Wear protective gear – Don’t enter the area without proper protective equipment. Gloves, heavy boots, a face-mask, and goggles should be worn, at the very least.
  • Turn off water and stop flushing toilets – Any water flowing will make the issue worse. Prevent this from happening if at all possible.
  • Contain the problem by removing nearby dry materials.
  • Clear out and throw away sewage contaminated materials – This includes items such as carpet, furniture, books, and other un-cleanable products.
  • Fix the problem – If the problem is a small clog, you may be able to take care of it yourself using a plunger or toilet snake. A more significant problem may require you to call a plumber or fluid handling specialist.
  • Clean up thoroughly – Use antibacterial cleaner, such as bleach water or other specialized products to clean the space. When things look clean enough, clean some more. Make sure you have the windows open while you are doing this—to assure the chemicals don’t cause harm to you or others.
  • Maintain the space – Prevent future issues by seeking repairs or maintenance service. It’s easier to prevent wastewater backups than to deal with the cleanup and repair.

If your wastewater issue is something that you do not think you can handle alone, contact W.P. Law for assistance? Our team of experts are your fluid handling professionals—helping you with all types of water and fluid related issues, including wastewater backup conditions. Call us or contact us online to learn more about the products and services we offer. We would love to help you get things under control.

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