How Will an Irrigation System Help Me Conserve Water?

Agricultural Irrigation System

It is a simple fact of life: every living organism requires water for survival. As professional landscape contractors and farmers, you want your plants to do more than merely survive; you do everything you can to encourage them to thrive! Hand-watering plants is a labor and water intensive endeavor. An automated irrigation system actually conserves water and saves money on labor costs.

Tips For Conserving Water With Irrigation System Automation

  1. Concentrate watering efforts where you need them the most. With an automated irrigation system, your property will be divided into zones with different water requirements. Ornamental plants, trees, turf, hillsides, sunny areas and shady areas all have different water requirements. With an automated system, your property is divided into zones and irrigation is scheduled according to need. For example, your sunny zones will get more water than your shaded ones.
  2. Water plants at the optimal time of day. Evaporation is the enemy of efficient watering. While it is more convenient to water plants in the daytime, you are guaranteed to lose some of that valuable water to evaporation. With an automated system, you can water your plants in the early morning hours before either you or the sun is out of bed.
  3. Automatic shutoffs will prevent over watering during a rain event. Ever see a sprinkler system running on an especially soggy, rainy day? You should not. All irrigation systems should have an automatic rain shut-off device installed. In some states is required by law to a have rain sensor installed on your irrigation system. These sensors should detect when a specific amount of rain has fallen and override the automated schedule to conserve water, alleviating any concern you might have about over watering your plants.

Considering an automated irrigation system for your business or farm? W.P. Law, Incorporated is one of the Southeast’s leading fluid handlers. Contact us today to see how irrigation system automation can help you conserve water.

3 Things To Watch Out For With Your Pond Pump This Winter

Backyard Pond in Winter

If you have a backyard pond or water feature, you know how peaceful and serene the sound of bubbling water can be and how relaxing it is to spend an afternoon fishing. However, these pleasures are dependent on a healthy pond and pump. It’s the pump that keeps the water moving, an action that not only sounds serene, but helps to keep algae from forming in your pond and adds essential oxygen to keep your pond fish alive. Proper winter care and maintenance of your pond pump is essential to keeping your pond’s eco-system healthy.

How to winterize your pond pump this winter

  1. Turn off the pump when the water temperature reaches 40 degrees. In the south, you can usually keep you pond pump running all year round. In colder climates where ponds can freeze over during the winter it is usually a good idea to shut things down for the winter. Water can freeze in pipelines and cause damage to the system including the pump if is becomes starved for water.
  2. Shovel or sweep the snow off of your pond. Some plant growth is necessary to provide oxygen for your fish and sunlight is essential to the photosynthesis process. Too much snow atop the ice on your pond can keep the sunlight from reaching the underwater plants, thus starving your fish of oxygen.
  3. Consider draining the pond. If you have a small water feature that does not contain fish, you may want to consider draining the pond and removing the pump. This will make it easier to clean things up and get started in the spring and you eliminate the possibility of freeze damage to you pond pump.
    1. To learn more about keeping your pond healthy this winter and for all of your pond supplies, contact W. P. Law, Inc. We’ve been helping southeast farmers and homeowners for more than 45 years.

Take These 4 Things Into Account When Choosing Your Farm Irrigation System

Farm Irrigation Sprayer

If you’re in the market for a new farm irrigation system, it can be overwhelming trying to decide what system is the best match for your land, your crops and your budget. Even seasoned farmers can be confused by all of the new irrigation technology. Before you go shopping or meet with an irrigation contractor, it’s good to consider a few basic questions.

What to consider when choosing a farm irrigation system

  1. What type of system is best for your land, your crops and your budget? There are two basic types of farm irrigation systems–overhead irrigation and drip/micro irrigation. Overhead irrigation systems apply water above the crop using sprinklers, big guns, travelers (traveling guns) or center pivots. Drip/Micro-irrigation systems release water at ground or below ground level, directly to the plants. Drip/Micro-irrigation systems are a good choice for very hot climates where the water will evaporate quickly and for plants that are prone to fungi and diseases aided by water on the leaves.
  2. Your water source. Do you have an adequate water source to supply your irrigation system? Water sources include wells, ponds, lakes, streams, and canals.
  3. The lay of the land. The shape of the field and the topography are also considerations when choosing the type of irrigation system you will purchase.
  4. Manpower. Do you have the workers necessary to maintain and operate your irrigation system? Irrigation systems can be automated in a number of ways to make the operation and management of your system easy.

To learn more about which irrigation system is best for your application, contact W. P. Law, Inc.

Benefits of Digital vs. Analog Pressure Gauges

Pressure Gauges

There is a wide variety of pressure gauges that can be purchased for many applications. Some people prefer a digital gauge while others like an analog version of the pressure gauge. In order for you to know what gauge will work best for your application, here are some facts about digital and analog pressure gauges.

Digital Pressure Gauges

A digital pressure gauge can be used for any number of applications and have benefits that can make any job easier. A digital pressure gauge has many benefits.

  • Readings are easy to read and often appear fast on the screen.
  • Some gauges can include international measurements such as bar, psi, MPa, and many others.
  • Depending on the type of gauge, some readings can be held in memory until readings are recorded.
  • Precise measurements.
  • Some gauges come with lighted displays.
  • Easy to install.

Benefits of an Analog Gauge

Analog gauges offer advantages that may not be found with digital gauges.

  • Readings can be made quickly and accurately without having to stand at the gauge waiting for the reading.
  • The gauge provides an easy solution to applications that have large pressure changes.
  • Analog gauges tend to more affordable to help companies save money.
  • The analog gauge may be more durable in rough applications outdoors.
  • Easy installation.

The choice of which gauge to use for your application should not be a hard decision. By knowing what type of gauge offers the best solution you can know for certain which gauge is right for you. If you are looking to purchase a particular gauge or have questions regarding one that you currently use, then contact us today. At W.P. Law, Inc., we specialize in both digital and analog pressure gauges. We can help answer any questions that you may have.

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