It’s time to start thinking about spring and how you can get your lawn ready for the season. Taking the proper steps and avoiding mistakes will ensure your yard is spring-ready—green, lush, and healthy.
Spring Lawn Care Dos
- Make sure your lawn gets enough water each week—either through rainfall or irrigation methods. Hint: Spring temperatures are cooler than summertime temperatures. Therefore, adjust irrigation duration accordingly. Reserve the 1-1.5″ per week water requirements for the high heat of summer.
- Rake away any leaves left-over from the fall and winter. Leaves, sticks, and debris can prevent your lawn from soaking up the sunshine it needs to stay healthy.
- Test your soil to identify the nutrients it requires to thrive in the spring.
Spring Lawn Care Don’ts
- Avoid cutting the lawn too short, which can negatively impact the crucial root support during the springtime.
- Don’t schedule pest control or sprays in the spring unless absolutely necessary.
- Avoid fertilizing our southern grasses with nitrogen-based fertilizers until the turf is actively growing.
Put Your Home’s Lawn in Expert Hands
Set your lawn up for success this spring. Turn to the experienced lawn care professionals at W.P. Law, Inc. We know precisely how to care for your yard. We provide the proper watering schedules, fertilizer applications, mowing heights, and more. No matter the grass type you have on your property, the W.P. Law team is ready to help it thrive this season and beyond.
Contact W.P. Law today to join our fertilizer program, which provides timely product application reminders.