How Does It Work? Sewage Pump Stations Help Keep Our Water Supply Clean

sewage pump station

Sewage pump stations maintain a clean world.

You may not have thought about this before, but sewage pump stations are largely to be credited for your quality of life. One of the greatest parts about the world we live in today is the fact that we can have clean water.

The remarkable ingenuity that the generations of people before us have worked to establish has given us a world where we can live without fear of disease and other contaminants. But what does it take to get there? How is it that sewage pump stations work and mange to take some of the most disgusting water imaginable and turn it back into something clean and safe?

Sewage pump stations play an important role in achieving this amazing accomplishment. Water from these stations is pumped to treatment plants where it is cleaned and purified. The treatment of the water takes three processes.

1. First the solids and oils are removed from the water.
2. Next the water is moved to where all biological matter is removed.
3. Finally the water is disinfected.

Once the water has completed all of these the water is pumped back out into the natural places from where it originally came, such as lakes and rivers.

For more information about how sewage pump stations work visit the water treatment specialists at W.P. Law, Inc. who are available to answer your questions.


3 Ways Pump Stations Help Communities

pump station

Pump stations make the world go ‘round.

Pump stations are one of the major marvels of the modern world. While we take it for granted, the water system that we utilize and the treatment we can give to waste water is unprecedented in history. Our ability to ensure a relatively consistent level of clean and safe water is remarkable in comparison to past generations and less fortunate areas of the world.

Pump stations play an important part of this process. In addition to adding functionality and ease to our lives, the following are some of the main ways pump stations help communities.

1. Drinking water:
Without working pump stations our communities would not have clean water.

2. Living Conditions:
Pump stations help to keep our environment safe and clean. If it wasn’t for the wastewater being diverted away from homes, schools, businesses, and offices, our world would be a much different place than it is today.

3. Preventing Illness:
Right now you rarely have to worry about diseases that are typically associated with contaminated water, but without pump stations, you would be exposed to harmful substances.

During the separation period of the purification process water travels through the plant and is processed. When this occurs it is released back into natural water systems where it can benefit communities.

If you have further questions about pump stations let W.P. Law, Inc.’s trained and certified experts assist you with any of your pump station needs.


Understanding Irrigation System Parts

irrigation system parts

Irrigation system – putting all the pieces together.

An irrigation system is a valuable part of your landscape. Plants, flowers, and lawns need water to thrive; installing an automatic irrigation system will not only help keep your landscape looking great, but will add value to your property.

Understanding your irrigation system parts and what they do is an important part in installing and maintaining your irrigation system. To help you understand your irrigation system, here is a list of the major components and their function.

Irrigation Controller:
The irrigation controller is a programmable device that is connected to the control valves. The irrigation controller turns the valves on and off based on the programmed days and times.

Control valves:
The water in the irrigation system is regulated by the control valves. When the system is turned on either manually or automatically by the timer, the control valves allow water to move from the water source to the sprinkler heads.

PVC Piping:
PVC pipes are buried underground and provide the conduit for the water to flow through to the sprinkler heads.

Sprinkler Heads:
The sprinkler heads disperse the water to the lawn. There are several types of heads available depending on your particular needs.

For quality irrigation systems and supplies, visit the irrigation experts at W.P. Law, Inc.

Book by our founder available now!


The long-anticipated Lies My Daddy Wrote is now available! The letters of Bill Law from World War II, saved by his wife, Dot, along with commentary as to what he and his fellow soldiers were really doing while the letters were being written. Bill Law was not only a soldier and husband, but also a humorist, a documentarian of camp life, a travel writer, and a commentator on life in general. The book is available in .pdf version online HERE, the website of the company he founded. The N.Y. Times and the Pulitzer committee may reach the author via the ‘Contact Us’ tab on the website. More of his, and Dot’s, writings will be posted in the near future.

Irrigation Backflow Preventer – Stop dirty backflow from contaminating your drinking water

irrigation backflow

Install an irrigation backflow preventer to help keep your potable water clean andclear of contaminants.

If you have a sprinkler system that is connected to your potable water, you need to have an irrigation backflow preventer. The backflow preventer stops contaminants such as fertilizers, manures, and pesticides from backing up into your drinking water. Without one, you risk exposing yourself and your family to serious health risks.

If your sprinkler system was improperly installed or you experience a sudden drop in water pressure, water containing pesticides, fertilizer, or pet waste can be pulled into your potable water and contaminate it. An irrigation backflow preventer will protect your water in the event this occurs.

There are many types of backflow preventers and codes vary by locations so you should consult an irrigation specialist to determine which type is right for you. Many states require backflow preventers be installed with sprinkler systems. Check with your city for your local requirements.

It is necessary to drain your backflow preventer before the freezing temperatures arrive to prevent damage to your system. To protect your system, you should take the necessary steps to winterize your entire irrigation system.

For all of your irrigation supply needs, contact the irrigation specialists at W.P. Law, Inc.

Indoor Commercial Fountains

indoor commercial fountains

Indoor commercial fountains turn a dreary office building into an elegant one.

Waiting in a cold and dreary waiting room to see a physician, accountant or lawyer is one of the most uncomfortable experiences. Whether your clients are waiting to find out the results of a test, or waiting to find out just how much you owe Uncle Sam anxiously sitting and waiting in a drab office is unpleasant.

To help make the wait more pleasant and comfortable, install indoor commercial fountains to help soothe and relax your clients while they are waiting to see you. The sound of trickling water has been proven to relax and calm people, so they are less likely to be tense and uptight before their appointment.

The sound of water running will also help to drown out the sound of other office noises. This can help prevent confidential conversations being overhead that will greatly protect patient and client confidentiality.

There are a variety of indoor fountains available, from tabletop models to large fountains for your wall or floor, the options are endless. Your clients or patients will thank you.

Contact the experts at W.P. Law, Inc. for more information about installing indoor commercial fountains in your office building.

Wastewater Pump Stations – Cleaning our Nation’s water supply

Wastewater pump stations – Where does it go when you flush?

Have you ever wondered what actually happens when you flush your toilets? Where does all that waste go?

Your community has an entire system of underground pipes that carry the waste water away from your home and into a waste water treatment facility. Waste water pump stations are used to transfer this waste water to treatment facilities. They play a vital role in removing the waste from our country’s water supply.

Once the waste water arrives at the treatment facility, the water is moved into a large tank where the solid materials drop to the bottom and the oil is removed. The water is then pumped into another tank where it is cleaned and any bacterial material is removed. The final step is to sanitize and purify the water.

At the end of this process, the water is pumped into local waterways such as canals, lakes and other large bodies of water. It is then pumped back into our communities. Without the valuable wastewater pump stations, we risk running out of clean water for our daily use.

For more information about wastewater pump stations and the value they bring to our communities contact W. P. Law, Inc 

Pump Stations – A basic guide

pump stations

 How do pump stations move our country’s water supply?

Pump stations are used in many different applications to transfer water from one area to another. Pump stations are used to supply fresh drinking water to your home, to supply farmers with irrigation, and to transfer sewage to treatment plants for processing.  Pump stations also have many industrial uses as well.  Here are two types of pump stations:

  • Irrigation Pump Stations: Irrigation pump stations are used to pump water from large bodies of water and deliver it to specific areas where it is needed. Farmers use pump stations to irrigate their crops and provide water for their animals. They are also used to remove flood waters from low lying areas.
  • Sewage Pump Stations: Sewage pump stations are used to move waste water from the community and transfer it to a treatment facility.  Once the waste water arrives at the treatment facility it is cleaned and purified and then routed back into the rivers and canals.

Pump stations play a vital role in the use and conservation of our most precious natural resource. For more information about pump stations contact the experts at W. P. Law, Inc.

Automatic Watering System for Plants – How to save time & money


An automatic watering system takes one more project off of your to-do list.

Your home is where your heart is and you want to make it as beautiful, comfortable and efficient as possible for you and your family. While a lot of hard work goes in to the routine maintenance and care for your home, the hard work you put into it pays off. You’ve created a haven for your family where comfort and safety are a priority.

With so many tasks to do in keeping your home comfortable and functioning well, your landscaping can sometimes be overlooked. Now that summer is here, it’s time to get your lawn and gardens in top shape so that you and your family can enjoy them.

Constant watering of your plants and lawn during the spring and summer months can sometimes feel overwhelming. Installing an automatic watering system will help resolve that problem.
Automatic watering systems will do the watering for you while saving you time and money. No more worries about dragging hoses from one spot to another or forgetting to water. With the system set to water at the optimal time of day and for the required period of time, you will conserve water and save money.

The irrigation specialists at W. P. Law, Inc. will design the perfect automatic watering system to fit your needs and your budget. Contact us today.

Water Pump Stations – FAQ’s

Water pump stations play a vital role in bringing clean water to your home and community.

Water pump stations are used to transfer water through a series of pipes into your home and community. They play an important role in delivering clean, fresh water to your tap and providing for your irrigation needs.

Here are four frequently asked questions:

• What is a water pump station?
Water Pump stations are used to transfer water from one place to another. While transporting water isn’t something most people think about, water pump stations, provide many of our creature comforts.

• What is the role of pump stations in farming?
Farms use water pump stations to transfer water for crop irrigation and providing water for livestock. Water is typically pumped from rivers and ponds through a series of pipes and canals.

• How are water pump stations run on powered?
Most water pump stations are powered by electricity.  Although many municipalities and farmers have back-up water pumping stations that are powered by diesel engines in case of a power outage.

• Are pump stations used to remove water?
Yes, in low lying areas pump stations are used to remove flood water.

To learn more about water pump stations and the importance they play in your community contact W.P. Law




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