How do you find a leak in your agricultural irrigation system? Built-in safeguards make it easy.
Agricultural irrigation is a life-giver. There’s no doubt about the positive impact watering systems have made on modern-day farming. Unfortunately, when your irrigation system springs a leak, you might wish for simpler days. Problems in your system can be hard to find. Here’s how to identify them:
Keep an Eye on Your Water Bill
One of the main draws of modern irrigation systems is their ability to save water and keep expenses low. Leaks rob you of the benefits, so it’s important to stay on top of monitoring your bills. If you see unexpected spikes in usage, it’s time to look for leaks.
Put Your Isolation Valves to Work
Hopefully, upon installation, you added isolation valves between sections of your irrigation system. These might seem like a waste of money at the time, but they’re more than worth the expense when it comes to containing a leak. Isolating sections will allow you to check each one to see where the culprit lies. If you haven’t installed isolation valves, prepare to do some digging!
Check for Lumpy, Wet Soil
An especially nasty problem occurs when your irrigation is on an incline. There’s no telling where your leak might be as any water will flow downhill. It can help to mark down where you bury the major joints for your irrigation line. Otherwise, you’ll have to keep an eye out for saturated soft spots or lumps in the soil.
Call WP Law, Inc., at 800-476-4515 the next time you need help with your agricultural irrigation system.