A Seven (7) Day Reference Evapotranspiration (ETo) Forecast for South Carolina Midlands is Available
from National Weather Forecast Center, Columbia, SC.
This forecast model acronym is FRET Forecast Reference EvapoTranspiration is based on forecast work
previously done in the Western US.
The data made available is the daily forecast ETo in Inches/Day for current day plus 6 days going forward
and weekly totals.
The ETo Forecast data is available for 18 counties in the South Carolina Midlands plus 5 adjacent
counties in Georgia.
You may reach this website as follows:
Type in your Browser: “Experimental FRET NOAA”
Click on: “Experimental FRET NOAA”
Or use this link: http://www.erh.noaa.gov/cae/fret1_cae.php
Click on the day of Interest to see a graphical display of Forecast ETo.
Note that at the bottom of the webpage there is a tabular display of Forecast ETo for 7 days for 18 South
Carolina counties as well as for 5 adjacent Georgia counties.
Hope you will find this a useful tool.