Three Signs it’s Time to Upgrade Your Pump

Signs You're Ready for well-pump upgrade

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Having the properly maintained irrigation equipment in place can take a lot of the headache out of irrigating your fields and make the entire process much more efficient. If you are wondering whether it is time for an upgrade, check out these three signs that it’s time to replace your pump:

1. Visible Leaks

When your pump is operating be on the lookout for excessive leaks around the pump shaft and seal (or packing) area. Excessive leaks can be indicative of a seal failure or a damaged pump shaft.  If the latter is the case you may be a candidate for a new pump as pump shaft repairs can be costly.

2. Reduced Performance (It just doesn’t pump like it used to)

Like any mechanical device, a pump will gradually lose some performance as wearable parts age. In many cases these parts can be replaced and pump performance restored to almost new. As a pump gets older and more problems begin to arise, you will eventually come to a point where it’s more cost effective to replace the older pump with a new one instead of continuing to repair the older pump. It is important to note reduced pump performance can also be a symptom of other system components failing and it might be a good idea to have an expert evaluate your entire pumping system before any decisions on repairs are made.

3. Parts for it can no Longer be Easily Attained

Often times finding parts for older pumps can be almost impossible. This means that even if your pump requires a minor repair at some point, it could lead to serious delays and days or weeks of down time. Search for the availability of parts ahead of time, and if they are no longer readily available you are likely better off upgrading to a newer pump.

Water Pumps from W.P. Law

If you decide that it’s time to upgrade to a brand new, high-performance water pump, we’re here to help. At W.P. Law, we sell only the highest quality pumps available today.

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