Ultimate Guide to Getting the Most Gallons per Minute out of your Well  


In most states, including South Carolina, building codes require that your well deliver at least three gallons per minute (GPM) or more. However, the minimum is not necessarily the optimum amount of water for your family and its multiple needs. A qualified well driller can help you determine the best location for your well and can give you an idea of the expected capacity based on his experience of drilling other wells in your area.

1. Check for clogged or leaking pipes.

One of the first things to check on your well system is to make sure there are no broken or leaking pipes within the well. A broken well pipe can possibly cause your well pump to overheat and damage the motor.

2. Use a well yield increase method.

There are a number of methods that are used to fracture the rock within a well to help increase yield. A commercial product, such as AquaFreed, can help increase the well’s yield as can the use of materials like frozen CO2.

3. Install a water holding tank.

Using a cistern along with your well allows you to store water on days when the well is flowing smoothly and have it on hand for those days when the well is dryer.

To learn more about getting the most from your well, contact W. P. Law, Inc. We are one of the Southeast’s leading suppliers of fluid handling equipment for farmers, contractors, and industries and have been helping people and companies like yours since 1970.

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