Understanding Irrigation System Parts

irrigation system parts

Irrigation system – putting all the pieces together.

An irrigation system is a valuable part of your landscape. Plants, flowers, and lawns need water to thrive; installing an automatic irrigation system will not only help keep your landscape looking great, but will add value to your property.

Understanding your irrigation system parts and what they do is an important part in installing and maintaining your irrigation system. To help you understand your irrigation system, here is a list of the major components and their function.

Irrigation Controller:
The irrigation controller is a programmable device that is connected to the control valves. The irrigation controller turns the valves on and off based on the programmed days and times.

Control valves:
The water in the irrigation system is regulated by the control valves. When the system is turned on either manually or automatically by the timer, the control valves allow water to move from the water source to the sprinkler heads.

PVC Piping:
PVC pipes are buried underground and provide the conduit for the water to flow through to the sprinkler heads.

Sprinkler Heads:
The sprinkler heads disperse the water to the lawn. There are several types of heads available depending on your particular needs.

For quality irrigation systems and supplies, visit the irrigation experts at W.P. Law, Inc.

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