Perennial weed that grows from a bulb with narrow somewhat glossy leaves. Leaves have a noticeable midrib. Produces a white flower with six petals. Grows during the cooler months of the year. Reproduces by seed and underground bulb.
Weed Type: Grassy Weeds & Sedges
Thin Paspalum (Bull Grass)
Perennial grassy weed that forms a flat mat. Leaves are flat and smooth with stiff hairs along the edges. Seedheads with one to six branches on slender stalks. Seeds in pairs on lower side of branches. Reproduces from seed.
Aggressive perennial weed with sharply pointed underground runners. Stems are very erect and stiff. Leaves folded or flat. Seedheads on stiff branches. Reproduces from underground runners primarily. Prefers moist sites. Very robust grassy weed.
Yellow Nutsedge
Perennial sedge with narrow tipped leaves. Produces a yellowish-brown seedhead at the end of triangular shaped stems. Produces individual tubers that are not in chains like Purple Nutsedge. Reproduces primarily by tubers. Grows during warmer months.
Annual Sedge
Stems triangular or three sided. Often grows in a clump. True annual weed. Seedheads at top of bare stem and are flat spikes with toothed edges. Emerges in late spring/summer. Prefers moist sites but can survive dry conditions.
Warm-season perennial grassy weed that forms mats through its aggressive growth. Contains shallow rooted or exposed rhizomes (underground runners) that are purplish to red in color. Produces “V” shaped seedheads.
Broadleaf Panicum
Grassy annual with broad, flat leaves that are covered in fine hairs. Stems have leaves along their entirety and are upright. Produces seedheads with ascending branches.
Broadleaf Signalgrass
Grassy summer annual weed with short, wide leaf blades. Leaf blades are partly folded or creased near the tip. Name derives from the branch angles that form a “signal flag.” Growth is upright and spreads as plant matures. Reproduces annually from seed.
Bull Paspalum
Perennial grassy weed that forms a flat clump with stems leaning from the center. Leaf blades and sheaths hairy and smooth with a fringe of stiff hairs along the margins. Reproduces by seeds from seedheads that have one to six branches.
Perennial grassy weed that forms a mat with flattened above ground runners. Leaf blades are rounded at the tips and smooth on both surfaces. Seedheads contain two to five spikes and are similar to crabgrass in appearance. Reproduces from seed and stolons. Prefers moist soil conditions.