Ground Ivy
Common Name: Ground Ivy
Scientific Name: Glechoma hederacea
Creeping perennial broadleaf weed with opposite, rounded leaves. Leaves are scalloped along the edges with a pronounced veins. Flowers are blue to purple in color in sets of three. Reproduces from seed and creeping stems.
Type: Broadleaf Weeds
Life Cycle: Perennial
Herbicide Options
- Celsius
- Certainty
- Confront 3
- Dismiss
- Dismiss South
- Solitare
- Speedzone
- Speedzone Southern
- Trimec (SA Lawn Weed Killer)
- Trimec Southern
- Vessel
- Celsius
- Certainty
- Confront 3
- Dismiss
- Dismiss South
- Solitare
- Speedzone Southern
- Tenacity
- Trimec (SA Lawn Weed Killer)
- Trimec Southern
- Celsius
- Certainty
- Confront 3
- Dismiss
- Speedzone Southern
- Trimec (SA Lawn Weed Killer)
- Trimec Southern
- Vessel
- Celsius
- Certainty
- Confront 3
- Dismiss
- Dismiss South
- Solitare
- Speedzone
- Speedzone Southern
- Trimec (SA Lawn Weed Killer)
- Trimec Southern
- Vessel
- Confront 3
- Dismiss
- Solitare
- Speedzone
- Speedzone Southern
- Tenacity
- Trimec (SA Lawn Weed Killer)
- Trimec SouthernVessel
- Vessel