Why is There a Brown Patch on my Lawn?


Brown patches can appear on your lawn even if you have the most well-maintained yard in the neighborhood. They’re unsightly, frustrating, and it can be hard to determine the cause. However, there are a couple of common culprits that cause these spots. Take a look.

Brown Patches from Grubs

Grubs are pests that eat the roots of your grass. They are beetle larvae and can cause enormous damage, especially considering how small they are. The brown patches from grubs tend to be soft and spongey with a uniform pattern of injury.

Brown Patches from Brown Patch Disease

Another common cause of the brown patches on your lawn is brown patch disease. Unlike the grubs, this disease is a fungus called Rhizoctonia. This fungus is most active in the summer, especially when it’s hot and humid. The patches are circular and usually a yellow/brown color. They have an outer ring where the grass thins out.

Improper Lawn Care

There are a few things you might do with your lawn care that could cause the brown patches. They include:

  • Mower blades that are set too low, are dull, or have fungus on them
  • Too much fertilizer can damage the grass
  • Poor air circulation in the soil due to too much water or thatch buildup
  • Poor soil that no longer holds any nutrients to keep your grass healthy

What You Can Do

Before treating the brown patches using guesswork and hoping for the best, you should call in a professional to evaluate the damage. You don’t want to treat the wrong issue and end up with a bigger problem on your hand. W.P. Law, Inc. is your local go-to professional. Contact them and start combating your brown spots today.

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