Tips on Maintaining Your Garden’s Pond This Summer

Duo Pro dual-contained piping system

Ponds provide a beautiful centerpiece for any garden, but only if you maintain them properly. Summer weather complicates maintenance, but through the following tips, you can keep your pond beautiful no matter the season:

Astute Aeration

If your pond contains fish, it is essential to increase the aeration. Hot weather lowers the water’s oxygen content while simultaneously making the fish consume more oxygen. To save your fish, it is necessary to step up the aeration

Comprehensive Cleaning

Clean your filter as necessary throughout the summer. The typical filter needs to be cleaned on a weekly basis, but the specifics vary by device, so follow the manufacturer’s instructions. If you use a biological filter, don’t clean it more intensively than instructed, as this will kill salutary bacteria.

Replenishing with Rainwater

The summer heat can evaporate pond water, so replenish it as needed. Because tap water contains fluoride and other nutrients that cause algae growth, however, it is not ideal for your pond. Instead, collect and use rainwater.

Dealing with Debris

Leaves, twigs, and other debris that accumulate in your pond can trap fish and animals while disrupting the water’s beauty. Remove them with a net, but leave some around the edges so that larger creatures can enter and leave the pond. When you remove debris, wash it in a bucket first, and if any creatures come out, return those to the pond.

For more information on pond care and other water maintenance topics, contact W. P. Law today.

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