Save Money without Sacrificing Quality with Tips on DIY Irrigation
Get started with DIY irrigation by working against two common issues that plague at-home setups. They can make or break your attempt, and lead to a lush garden and lawn or spotty, dying vegetation. Get a head start on success by following these easy tips.
First, when installing a drip irrigation system, always install a filter and pressure regulator. The number one problem with drip irrigation is plugged emitters. This can easily be prevented by using a wye filter with a 155 mesh screen. It is so much easier to periodically clean one filter screen than replace hundreds of emitter. Pressure regulators are also a must with drip irrigation systems. Emitters are designed to operate within a specified pressure range. If the pressure is too high then the emitters don not apply the specified amount of water and their operational life is reduced.
Our second tip relates to irrigation system design. Check your water pressure and flow rate before you install a system. Too many times we have seen systems installed that have too many sprinklers on a zone. In these cases the sprinklers barely pop-up and the coverage is horrible. This problem could have been avoided if the water pressure and flow rate had been known. If you live in an area that has low water pressure, a booster pump can be installed to increase the pressure and make your system function properly.
If you’d like more information and tips for installing DIY irrigation systems, please contact us today. Any of our irrigation specialists will be happy to help you pick the right system for your job, and give you tips to help you install it like a pro.