Common Lespedeza
Common Name: Common Lespedeza
Scientific Name: Lespedeza striata
Summer annual weed with wiry, prostrate growth. Develops a woody tap root as it matures during summer months. Leaves have a prominent mid-rib with veins that branch at 45 degree angles. Leaves are oval in shape and contain small flowers that are pink to purplish. Reproduces from seed.
Type: Broadleaf Weeds
Life Cycle: Annual (Warm season)

Herbicide Options
- Celsius
- Confront
- Contront 3
- Dimension (Pre-emergent)
- Dismiss
- Dismiss South
- Manor
- MSM 60
- Solitare
- Speedzone
- Speedzone Southern
- Trimec (SA Lawn Weed Killer)
- Trimec Southern
- Vessel
- Celsius
- Confront
- Contront 3
- Dimension (Pre-emergent)
- Dismiss
- Dismiss South
- Manor
- MSM 60
- Solitare
- Speedzone Southern
- Trimec (SA Lawn Weed Killer)
- Trimec Southern
- Celsius
- Contront 3
- Dimension (Pre-emergent)
- Dismiss
- Manor
- MSM 60
- Speedzone Southern
- Trimec (SA Lawn Weed Killer)
- Trimec Southern
- Vessel
- Celsius
- Confront
- Contront 3
- Dimension (Pre-emergent)
- Dismiss
- Dismiss South
- Manor
- MSM 60
- Solitare
- Speedzone
- Speedzone Southern
- Trimec (SA Lawn Weed Killer)
- Trimec Southern
- Vessel
- Confront
- Contront 3
- Dimension (Pre-emergent)
- Dismiss
- Solitare
- Speedzone
- Speedzone Southern
- Trimec (SA Lawn Weed Killer)
- Trimec Southern
- Vessel