Crabgrass, Large
Common Name: Crabgrass, Large
Scientific Name: Digitaria sanguinalis
Grassy annual weed that is tufted and prostrate in growth. Leaves have fine hairs on both surfaces. Produces a seedhead with two to nine finger like branches. Reproduces by seed.
Type: Grassy Weeds & Sedges
Life Cycle: Annual (Warm season)
Herbicide Options
- Barricade (Pre-emergent)
- Celsius
- Dimension (Pre-emergent)
- Drive (Quinclorec)
- Image (suppression)
- Pendulum (Pre-emergent)
- Princept (Pre-emergent)
- Solitare
- Barricade (Pre-emergent)
- Celsius
- Dimension (Pre-emergent)
- Image (suppression)
- Pendulum (Pre-emergent)
- Princept (Pre-emergent)
- Solitare
- Tenacity
- Barricade (Pre-emergent)
- Celsius
- Dimension (Pre-emergent)
- Image (suppression)
- Pendulum (Pre-emergent)
- Princept (Pre-emergent)
- Barricade (Pre-emergent)
- Celsius
- Dimension (Pre-emergent)
- Drive (Quinclorec)
- Fusilade II
- Image (suppression)
- Pendulum (Pre-emergent)
- Princept (Pre-emergent)
- Solitare
- Barricade (Pre-emergent)
- Dimension (Pre-emergent)
- Drive (Quinclorec)
- Fusilade II
- Pendulum (Pre-emergent)
- Solitare
- Tenacity