Annual broadleaf weed that grows prostrate. Leaves are opposite with reddish usually present in the middle. Stems are reddish in color and contain milky sap. Reproduces from seed annually.
Weed Type: Broadleaf Weeds
Spiny Sowthistle
Annual broadleaf weed with spiny edges on deeply lobed leaves. Produces yellow flowers similar to dandelion. Leaves and stems contain a milky sap when broken. Reproduces by seed.
Perennial broadleaf weed with upright growth. Leaves alternate and spiny with wavy edges. Produces white to light violet colored flowers. Fruit resembles a small tomato and is smooth, round and pale yellow to greenish in color. Reproduces by seed and underground runners.
Wild Onion
Perennial weed with slender, hollow leaves that grow upright. Grows during cooler months of the year. Similar to Wild Garlic in appearance. Contains a central underground bulb with a fibrous coat. Does not contain offset bulblets like Wild Garlic.
Wild Garlic
Perennial weed with slender, hollow upright leaves. Grows during cooler months. Contains underground bulbs. Leaves produce a distinctive garlic odor when crushed. Underground bulbs contain smaller bulblets that are offset and flatted on one side. Produces small greenish to white flowers. Reproduces by seed and bulblets.
Annual broadleaf weed with deeply lobed leaves. Produces white flowers in clusters at the end of stems. Produces triangular shaped fruit. Reproduces by seed.
White Clover
Creeping, low-growing broadleaf weed with three oval shaped leaflets. Produces white roundish flowers.
Annual or perennial depending on species. Has heart shaped glossy leaves. Produces flowers in a variety of colors ranging from white, purple, pink, and yellow. Reproduces from seed and underground runners.
Lawn Burweed (Spurweed)
Broadleaf winter annual that grows low to the ground. Contains opposite leaves with deeply cut lobes. Very small flowers that are inconspicuous. Fruit has SHARP spines that can cause injury when touched. Reproduces from seed.
Annual weed that grows prostrate. Contains opposite leaves. Leaves very narrow, linear in shape and sharply pointed. Flowers are inconspicuous, lack petals, and green in color. Reproduces from seed.