Seeding vs. Sod: Which Is Best for Your Yard?

Which is better: seeding or sod? It’s a question many homeowners have when they want to ensure their lawn is lush and healthy. The best way to answer the question is to consider your yard’s current factors and conditions.  

How to Decide If Your Lawn Needs Seeding or Sod

Lawn care experts agree that assessing the current state of your yard determines whether seeding or sod is appropriate. First, you’ll need to compare the sections of weeds and dead grass to healthy grass. For example, if the lawn contains more than 40-50% dead grass or weeds, your best option is to start your yard over with new sod.

On the other hand, if 50% or more of your lawn grass is healthy, performing manual weed control and planting grass seed should be sufficient.

Another factor to consider is the grass you are growing on your property. There are more grass varieties for seeding available than sodding. So if you have a specific grass variety you prefer, you’ll need to find out if it’s available in sod or if you will need to stick with seeding.

Sod Installation Is Best Left to the Pros

While you may take a DIY approach to seeding, sod installation is more complicated. It has a brief 24-hour period for transplanting and requires proper installation. Reach out to trusted professionals to set your lawn up for success.

Whether you choose seeding or sod or are still trying to determine the best next steps for your lawn, the team at W.P. Law is here to guide you. Contact W.P. Law, Inc. today to get started.

How to Winterize My Outdoor Fountain

It’s fall, and it’s time to winterize outdoor fountains. If you have an outdoor fountain or water feature, you need to ensure it’s set up for cooler weather so you can still enjoy it when spring and summer roll back around. Here’s what you need to know.

The Climate Matters

South Carolina has a varied climate depending on what part of the state you live in. But, for the most part, it’s mild and doesn’t swing to extremes like the more northern states. Because of this, outdoor fountains and pond winterizing look slightly different than in places where they get a deep freeze.

Basic Winter Prep

Prepping your fountain for Winter in the south can mean removing debris, cleaning the fountain, and inspecting the pump. Then, drain the fountain and do a deeper clean before refilling it for a little more in-depth maintenance. Finally, if worried about colder temperatures, you can opt for a complete shutdown until spring. Shutting it down for the Winter includes unplugging, draining, and removing the pump for winter storage and blowing out the pipes in the system.

Keeping it Running in the Winter

If you decide to enjoy your fountain or pond year-round, it’s a great choice with our generally mild temperatures. The option of floating heaters is one way to ensure the water doesn’t freeze over when the temperatures dip. It’s also important to watch the forecast if extreme weather decides to head our way.

A great way to care for and maintain your water feature, including winterizing your outdoor fountain, is with fountain design, installation, and maintenance experts. Reach out to the team at W.P. Law, Inc. for all your fountain and water feature needs.

Maintaining Warm Season Grasses in the Winter

If you live in South Carolina, you might look out at your lawn and wonder about the best grass for Winter. Can you plant and seed in winter weather? Can you maintain warm-season grasses? Here’s what you need to know.

Which Type of Grass to Plant

There are two primary grass types, warm season and cool season. Warm season grasses green up in the spring and thrive in the summer heat and will go dormant with the first frost in late fall or early winter.  Warm season grasses include centipede, St. Augustine, Bermuda, and zoysia.  Cool season grasses remain green and thrive in the winter months, but suffer during the hot summer months.  Cool season grasses include tall fescue and ryegrass. While most people in SC have warm season grasses as their lawn, a few will overseed their lawn with an annual ryegrass to keep the beautiful green color year round.

To Seed or Sod, that is the Question

While you can add sod in the Winter when the grass is dormant, the roots won’t take hold until the weather warms up in the spring and summer. Fall, however, is an ideal time for seeding cool season grasses. The summer heat can make it hard for the seeds to germinate properly, while the cool temperatures let the seeds root and thrive. Ryegrass is an excellent choice for winter seeding. Once established, it will do well and provide a lush, green lawn year-round. Overseeding in Winter is also a great idea because it improves the grass’s aesthetics and increases the lawn’s resilience.

Maintaining warm-season grass and knowing the best grass for Winter is an art. Still, with the right advice and guidance, you can nurture your grass this Winter for a fantastic lawn come spring. Contact the W.P. Law, Inc. team for the advice you need for winter lawn care.

It’s Tailgating Season! Tips for Using your Outdoor Grill this Fall

Are you wondering about using your outdoor grill this fall? Of course, it doesn’t get snowy and freezing in South Carolina in the fall and Winter, but the cooler weather can still affect your outdoor grilling. It’s football and entertaining season, so we’ve gathered our best tips for using your outdoor kitchen and grill this fall.

Bundle Up

Make sure to wear weather-appropriate clothing when grilling outdoors in cooler weather. Grilling can take time, and it’s more fun when you’re not freezing. Something to be very careful about are the gloves you wear. It can be tempting to grab something hot with regular gloves, but make sure you switch to heat-resistant gloves before handling the grill.

Patience is Key

Food cooks differently when it’s cool outside than when it’s warm. So be patient and adjust your timing and expectations accordingly. Keep the grill closed and choose recipes and foods that aren’t as sensitive to the temperature difference between the grill and the outside temperature.

Keep the Grill Outside

Some might think moving the grill under an overhang or into a garage is okay. Please do not do this. It’s a great way to start a house fire. A better alternative is upgrading to an outdoor kitchen and grilling area. You can include a grill, counter space, a sink, a roof, and so much more.

One of the best ways to cook and entertain during the fall football season and year-round is with outdoor kitchens and grills. So, if you’ve been dreaming of an outdoor space upgrade, now’s the time. Contact W.P. Law, Inc. for the expert team to help you bring your vision to life.

Tips for Irrigating Turfgrass in the Fall

Your irrigation system worked hard all summer, but is fall the time to shut it down for the Winter? In South Carolina, we don’t need to winterize our irrigation systems the same way in colder states to the north. Here’s what you need to know about taking care of your grass and sprinkler system.

Keep Watering

Watering your grass in the summer is a no-brainer, but what about Winter? The general rule in the south is to keep watering year-round, even when the grass becomes dormant. In the Winter, the exception is when it rains. If we have a particularly wet fall and Winter, you won’t need to water as much. When it’s dry for more than a few days and the soil is dry, it’s a good idea to turn on the sprinklers and irrigate your lawn and landscaping. It’s beneficial to water in the morning instead of the evening to avoid fungus.

Irrigation System Winterization

In other states where the temperatures regularly get to freezing and below, it’s critical to drain and blow out sprinkler systems. In the south, with our mild climate, that’s generally not necessary. However, protecting components from freezing is still essential since we get some cold nights. If you have any exposed water pipes, drain them and the pumps. The rest of the system, especially what’s underground, should be fine in the South Carolina fall and Winter.

When you’re ready to transition from summer to fall, your local landscaping and irrigation system professionals can help. Contact the team at W.P. Law, Inc. for all the guidance you need.

It’s Not Too Early to Think About Protecting Your Pipes for Winter. 3 Things to Consider Doing Now

freezing pipes

With fall upon us and winter right around the corner, do you know how to protect pipes from freezing?  It’s not too early to take some simple steps to protect your irrigation system and prevent costly repairs.  Here are three things to consider now, before the cool weather arrives.

#1: Shut it Down

The first step to winterizing your sprinkler system and how to keep pipes from freezing is to shut off the system.  Start by turning off the main water valve that leads to the irrigation system, usually near the water meter.  Next, turn off the timer so it won’t signal to turn on the water to the sprinklers.

#2: Drain the System

In South Carolina, winter watering usually isn’t necessary.  We get enough rain to compensate for the lack of irrigation during the cold months.  Because of this, you can safely drain your sprinkler system to protect it from the cold without worrying about the health of your lawn.  Blowing all remaining water out of the pipes is the best way to prevent freezing, as even a quarter inch of water can freeze and cause the line to crack.

#3: Protect the Exposed Parts

Any above-ground or exposed components require protection in the winter.  You can wrap the main shut-off, backflow preventer, and some exposed pipes in insulation to keep them from freezing and cracking.  Insulation pouches are also available for purchase that slide over the backflow preventer.

If you’re unsure how to protect pipes from freezing or approach some of the steps above, fear not.  We’ve got you covered.  Reach out to W.P. Law for all the irrigation system winterization help you need this fall.

How Energy-Efficient Light Bulbs Can Help Save You Money and Add Value to Your Home

energy efficient light bulbs

Has the thought of outdoor lighting energy costs kept you from adding lights to your landscaping?  We’ve got some good news.  You can save money while enhancing your yard and outdoor living space and adding value to your home with energy-efficient light bulbs.

How Energy-Efficient Bulbs Save You Money

There are several energy-efficient bulbs, including halogen and LED, with LED being the most efficient.  The efficiency of light bulbs comes down to factors such as brightness (lumens), wattage, and life span.  The bulbs that last the longest also use the least energy.  They emit the lowest heat, have brightness equal to their incandescent counterpart, and require the lowest number of kilowatts to provide light.  When bulbs use less energy, you save money on your utility bills.  When they last longer, some between 10,000 and 50,000 hours, you also save money buying fewer bulbs.

How Landscape Lighting Adds Value to Your Home

Outdoor and landscape lighting can add value to your home in ways you might not have considered, including:

  • Adds curb appeal by highlighting the beautiful areas of your yard and garden and showing the size and lushness of your landscaping.
  • Shows off your home’s architecture with lighting that accentuates its features and creates focal points.
  • Increases safety and security by deterring break-ins, theft, and trespassing.
  • Creates an inviting ambiance for your lawn and patio, increasing your home’s usable living space.

If the energy costs of outdoor lighting energy usage have been the thing keeping you from investing in this value-adding feature, it’s time to reconsider.  Contact the experienced team at W.P. Law to learn more about how energy-efficient bulbs let you have the lighting you envision without breaking the bank.

Nothing Welcomes Customers Like an Eye-Catching Entrance. 4 Ways an Outdoor Fountain Will Enhance Your Company’s Presence

outdoor fountain

Everyone loves water fountains.  They draw people in like magnets, which is just one of the reasons it’s time to consider adding one outside your business.  We’ve got four more great reasons an outdoor fountain will enhance your company’s presence.

Reason #1: They Reduce Stress

Running water calms and reduces blood pressure, heart rate, and stress.  In addition, studies show that fountains often boost serotonin levels and increase energy and overall sense of well-being.

Reason #2: Cut Down on Noise Pollution

Along with stress reduction, fountains decrease noise pollution.  The running water provides ambient noise and helps drown out unwanted noise from surrounding traffic, construction, and other businesses.

Reason #3: Draw in Customers

An eye-catching entrance and attractive curb appeal draw people to a business, and nothing boosts the outdoor look and feel of your building, like outdoor water fountains.  From diners to shoppers, potential employees to guests, you’ll get more traffic into your facility with a fountain out front that pulls people in.

Reason #4: Stand Out from the Crowd

These days, every business tends to look like every other business.  Everyone is looking for a leg up, and water fountains could be just what you need.  But, that extra touch that sets you apart from the rest can mean the difference between a customer choosing you and the guy next door.

If you’re ready to enhance your company’s presence with an outdoor water fountain, look no further than the local experts in designing, constructing, and installing commercial water fountains.  Contact W.P. Law to find out more.

Fall is On the Way, and Your Yard Needs Attention. 6 Lawn Care Tips to Get Ready for the Fall Season

lawn care tips

Is your yard ready for cooler weather?  Winterization is essential for your grass and gardens to keep them healthy year-round.  We’ve got the fall lawn care tips you’ve been looking for to prepare for winter.  Here are the six that should go on your to-do list now.

#1: Keep it Short

A short mow late in the season before fall is beneficial and allows water and nutrients down into the soil.  Leaving the clippings can also help mulch and fertilize the grass before the winter.

#2: Get Out the Rake

Get out the rake when the fall leaves are off the trees and on your lawn.  Accumulated leaves block sunlight and remain wet for long periods of time.  These conditions can lead to fungus and other disease and insect problems in your lawn.

#3: Treat for Pests

Treating your lawn for pests is part of a good fall lawn care plan.  Some pesky bugs can live through a frost or freeze, so you want to ensure your grass is pest-free before winter hibernation.

#4: Don’t Stop Watering

Winter is not a time for sprinklers but fall sure is.  Don’t stop watering just because summer’s over.  You can cut back, but keeping your grass hydrated is critical for a healthy lawn come spring.

#5: Be Sure to Aerate

Aeration helps your grass get the nutrients, water, and oxygen it needs, and fall is the perfect time for it.  In addition, it loosens the soil while supporting healthy growth.

#6: Time to Fertilize

Even though the grass blades are dormant in the winter, the roots continue to grow.  Fertilizing with additional potassium in the fall gives them the nutrients and protection they need to survive the cold and return healthy and lush in the spring.

Fall is just around the corner, and your yard needs essential lawn care before it gets cold.  Contact the lawn care experts at W.P. Law now for all the fall lawn care tips to protect your grass.

Not All Industrial Fluid Handling Products are Created Equal. How W.P. Law Can Help You.

Does your facility require fluid handling systems? It’s often an integral part of an operation and must meet your needs while increasing efficiency and productivity. Take a look at how W.P. Law can help.

Providing Durability

The piping in your fluid handling systems must be durable and stable. Whether you need to move water, chemicals, gas, or food and beverage products, the design must withstand the pressure required to move the fluid and handle temperature fluctuations through the system.

Proper Fittings

Suppose the fittings on your pipes aren’t connected properly. In that case, you could face monumental losses, both financial and material, as well as the cleanup and damage. Therefore, ensuring tight pipe connections is critical to the success of your fluid handling solutions.

The Right Expansion Joints

Proper expansion joints allow the system to absorb temperature, vibration, and expansion and contraction differences. So, installing the proper expansion joints is essential.

Valve Timing

Knowing how to time valves for proper fluid control can make or break your system and its efficiency and effectiveness. W.P. Law understands how critical it is to incorporate correct valve timing in your design.

Matched Pumps

Matching the right pump for your fluid handling system is the best way to ensure the proper performance giving you the correct pressure and flow rate.. The wrong pump can lead to short and long-term issues, loss of productivity, and inefficient fluid handling.

Your facility must operate at peak performance, including your fluid handling systems. Therefore, ensuring those systems meet your expectations is our number one priority. For expert guidance on choosing the suitable systems, professional installation, and services you can rely on, contact W.P. Law, Inc. for all your fluid handling solutions.

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